The Best Super-Automatic Coffee Machines for Your Place

The Best Super-Automatic Coffee Machines for Your Place

There are probably only a few things on earth better than being able to smell and sip an excellent espresso every morning. But, unless you live beside a coffee shop or have a cafe on the ground floor of your apartment complex, then doing so can be a bit of a hassle.

Now, what if you can have something that does all the work for you? From measuring the beans and grinding them into finely ground coffee to tamping the puck and infusing the ground coffee with water, a super-automatic espresso machine can do it all in a matter of seconds.

Thus, if you really want to have a great coffee first thing in the morning but don’t have the time and patience to do so, choose one of the machines below!

De’Longhi Magnifica

De'Longhi Magnifica

Do you want to make an espresso, a cappuccino, or a latte macchiato? This coffee machine has the ability to make a variety of caffeine drinks with various strength levels as well. The built-in burr grinder can also be adjusted to your liking because it comes with 13 different grind settings.

Gaggia 59101 Brera

Gaggia 59101 Brera

If you want something that has an extensive list of pre-programmed drinks to choose from but with great value for money, then this should be your choice! It also has a built-in steam wand so you can instantly froth milk with it. The only drawback is the limited water reservoir capacity.

Philips 3200 Series

Philips 3200 Series

If affordability and ease of use are your top two priorities when looking for a super-automatic espresso machine, then this is a great alternative for you. It is much more reasonably priced than the other options, yet it still offers so many drink options for its users. Unfortunately, it seems like Phillips has traded the high price tag with less durable components.

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